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Victoria - Victoria University

Victoria University (UVIC) is one of Canada's leading institutions of high education, situated in western Canada's most famous capital of British Columbia, Victoria. Uvic was formally established on July 1, 1963, Six decades before that, respectively as Victoria College of McGill University as well as the University of Bc. Uvic has about 17,000 undergraduate students, 2,000 master and doctoral students. By the end of To November 1999, Uvic has granted 55,952 degrees.

Uvic is a multi-disciplinary comprehensive university; it's got college of Economics, Education, Engineering, Law, Human and Social Development Institute, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences along with other colleges and professional departments. Uvic will be the second largest University in Bc receiving external research funding and contract funds. It connects with 118 institutions from27 countries all over the world, also includes nine Parts of asia. Uvic is also one of the three universities in Canada which has work-study "Cooperative Education" (co-op education program) projects. Location of Uvic is a one of the world's best spot, first, the host city of Uvic, the Victoria city will be the nominated top ten "best city to live" by world's major travel magazines every year.

The city is located in western Canada along the Pacific coast of vancouver island's southern tip, flanked by the sea, the west side is Pacific, east with the mainland city of Vancouver is the largest city within the province, south side is Olympus Mountain of America throughout the sea. Because it is found in the maritime climate, so pleasant climate is all year round, there is no significant distinct for the four seasons. The city has only smoke-free industry, no pollution, neat and clear air all year round. Second, the campus is found in one of the city's best location, an area of 160 acres, the campus includes a rational layout and beautiful academic buildings, libraries, gymnasiums, parking lots, dormitories, restaurants, etc., along with with the international trustworthiness of the garden, ecological reserves and large tracts of undeveloped forest. 15 minutes' walking from east campus you can reach vast beach park, 15 minutes' making you can reach the southwest the town center and the inner harbour. Campus has 7 terminuses of various bus lines.

victoria weather ferries - Transport is very convenient. And as long you might be Uvic student, you can take student ID and consider the city bus for free. Uvic has lots of sports facilities, swimming, tennis, basketball, football, skating, aerobics and many other venues through the entire campus and available to students free of charge. The largest library on campus- McPherson Library - assortment of 1.6 million, 1.7 million CD, video and also the Department of Film has 4500, 42,000 tape drive, which is one of Canada's most advanced library.