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Reading Fitness Classes

Reading boot camps A lot of women join fitness classes in Reading, Berkshire for various reasons but the most common one is to lose weight. Other reasons may exist including toning, fitness and social benefits but weight-loss is often the driving factor. A number of our clients at our weight-loss Boot camps in Caversham have enjoyed amazing results in as little as six weeks in the classes.

In this article we are going to look at the key elements in how women specifically lose weight and how you too can maximise your fat burning efforts.

Somewhat, women's fat loss is quite different from that of men. For women who live less muscle mass than men, meaning they also have a slower metabolism. We try to increase our clients’ metabolism through intense exercise on our fitness Bootcamps in Reading. In addition, women have a different hormones that puts them in a disadvantage when it comes to losing fat. To address these issues and maximize your fat loss potential, it will be very helpful to take the following steps:

Reading Outdoor fitness Firstly, exercise regularly. Ladies that attend our exercise classes in Reading burn on average over 500 calories within a hour. This is dramatically a lot more than you would burn generally in most other forms of exercise. We use running drills, body weight exercises and circuit exercises to increase the client’s metabolism and maximise the fat burning effect.

Reading fitness classes Secondly, eat enough protein. This can be something we always have to tell our female Boot campers in Reading.

Protein is important for fat loss. Even though people think that simply creating a calorie deficit is enough to lose weight, it’s not at all true if you want to maximize fat loss. Protein can help you preserve your muscle mass and make sure that your body can get the energy it needs from the fat reserves, instead of breaking down your muscles. Try eating at least 0.5 - 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day. Additionally, there are numerous more advantages in increasing your protein intake. Based on a study published inside the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, including more protein in what you eat can reduce hunger and increase satiety. The mechanism behind this phenomenon would be to do with the fact that protein decreases the degree of appetite-stimulating hormones in the brain.

Finally, you need to include some strength training into your routine.

Anyone that attends our fitness classes in Reading will be exposed to some serious resistance training usually in the form of kettle bell exercises or band exercises.

Weight training exercise is the key to women's weight loss. Unfortunately, it seems that nearly all women are afraid of strength training, because they think that commemorate them bulky and masculine. The truth is that as a woman it might be almost impossible to build huge muscles, through weight training exercise. This happens because women don’t produce enough testosterone and growth hormones, which are very important hormones for building muscles. Don’t be fooled from the appearance of female bodybuilders. These women usually take steroid drugs and other drugs to look the way they do.

In the event you follow the weight training we show you in our Reading Exercise Classes, you will simply get a toned and firmer body. There isn't any reason to be afraid that you're going to end up looking like a man! By doing strength training while you are slimming down, you will be able to maintain your muscle mass and change your body composition. This means that you'll decrease your body fat percentage, lose inches off your waist and even get a cellulite-free looking body!

If you’re unsure about doing this by yourself and want the help and support of your qualified team of instructors then dropped as our guest to Peak XV Fitness Bootcamps. Register at www.peakxvfitness.com/bootcamps and acquire your free week guest pass to our Reading exercise classes.