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Nigerian Recruitment have been in a constant downward spiral. From the SAP (Structural Adjustment Program) introduced by the regime of Gen. Ibrahim Babangida to 7 Point Agenda of President Umaru Yar'dua, Nigeria economy has been reeling from irresponsible political leadership, high level corruption, decaying infrastructure and elephant projects that have no useful or beneficial impact on the society. The SAP policy crashed the already battered Nigeria economy causing the famous 'brain drain'. Overnight, quality Nigerian workforce (Doctors, Engineers) left the country in droves to seek greener pasture abroad. Since the mid 1980's, Jobs in Nigeria Nigeria job environment has not improved instead it has worsened. Companies, Industries operating in Nigeria daily groan under the demonic yoke of doing business in Nigeria's unfavourable business climate. No Electricity. No Water. Bad roads. Multiple taxation. Nigerian Vacanciessuffer all these and more to operate in Nigeria. With such hostile environment little wonder companies are relocating from Nigeria and those in the country scaling down their operations; laying off staff. Paradoxically, Nigeria universities churn out tens of thousands of fresh graduates yearly, compounding and stretching to bursting limits the already congested Nigeria job market. In Nigeria, it became a norm to see a graduate of 5-6yrs roaming the street futilely searching for non-existent job openings and where there is any opening, the take home pay is not even enough to take the taxi home. Vacancies in Nigeria Unbelievably, government in all levels in Nigeria seems to be completely clueless about the situation. To them it is business as usual. Their verbose posturing is reminiscent of the naked King.