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If you're thinking about trying out scrapbooking and launching your first scrapbook then finding scrapbook supplies will probably be your first problem most new scrapbookers face the scrapbook supplies problem once they first start scrapbooking. Most go for scrapbook supply kits put together by some hobby and craft stores; this is simply not the way to build your supplies cheaply. Kits could be good and you can make some great scrapbooks with them but they do curtail your personal creativity a little.

You do not need much to get started with scrapbooking, an empty scrapbook that you can pick up for under a tenner, some acid free markers and glue sticks will be the basics you need for each and every project you undertake. The other supplies you will need is determined by your project but there's loads of scrapbook supplies you may get for virtually any project.

scrapbooking online - How much scrapbook paper alone is amazing these days. Your average sized craft shop will sell all sorts of pattered paper not to mention the various kinds of cards available. Many of the items sold in the craft shops beneath the scrapbook supplies departments are unnecessary, like specialist scrapbooking scissors for instance. There's no need to buy them if you don't want to of course. The scissors you'll already have at home will be more than enough for scrapbooking.

Craft stores are your best bet for buying scrapbook supplies since see and have the product you like. This is not to say you8 can't buy some excellent stock online stores, you can, but an art store allows you to touch feel and smell the cards and paper, and a lot craft stores have ample scrapbooking supplies today because of the growing interest in the hobby.

Don't spend your entire time in craft stores though, you'll find much cheaper supplies in markets and I have seen some wonderful scrapbooking pieces of local pound shops. You can find lots of bits and bobs with a small outlay by wandering around the local market and shops. Use fantasy and you'll soon begin to spot scrapbook supplies everywhere.

crafting supplies - Scrapbooking is not expensive to begin with and you will create some stunning projects, a peek at what people have created and display on the web can be really inspiring. Finding supplies nowadays is relatively easy compared to a few years ago. Scrapbooking has really taken off and shops and traders weren't slow to fill the marketplace. Great deals can be found everywhere from the local market to the net. it's just a question of searching them out.